

Production-grade OCR Software
that generates cleaner results.

Try PrimeOCR


Production-grade OCR Software
that generates cleaner results.

Try PrimeOCR

Version 6.0 of PrimeOCR - Brings OCR Software to Large Format

Seattle, WA – Prime Recognition announces that PrimeOCR, version 6.0 has been released and is available immediately as a major upgrade of its production OCR software. The latest release of PrimeOCR provides functionality to recognize large-format pages, recognize rotated text, new auto-zoning and character recognition technology, report text details of existing searchable PDF files, includes sample source code for a REST API implementation, and continued support for the latest release of Windows operating system software, including Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016.

Traditional OCR Software 142 Errors Marked
Traditional OCR Software
142 errors marked
PrimeOCR Level 3 Accuracy 21 Errors Marked
PrimeOCR L3 Accuracy
21 errors marked
PrimeOCR Level 6 Accuracy 12 Errors Marked
PrimeOCR L6 Accuracy
12 errors marked

What Our Customers Say:

“PrimeOCR is really an amazing piece of software that radically extends what we can do with OCR.  PrimeOCR has allowed us to completely rethink what we can do with OCR.”

Gregory Crane
Professor of Classics, Perseus Project, Tufts University

“PrimeOCR gives us a much cleaner document before verification than most OCR packages do after verification.”

Doug Thompson
Scan Center of America

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